
Frequently Asked Questions

This will help us to understand the age groups of our members and their families so that we can plan our services accordingly.

If you move outside of our defined area, we will not be able to provide any services if death occurs.

No, the service we provide is limited to only direct family members, parents and parents in-law who are visiting you from overseas.

No, all beneficiaries must be living at the same address.

No, membership payments are not refundable. The membership will elapse at the end of the year if you do not renew it.

No, you discontinue paying the membership your membership will expire and you will not be eligible for the service.

No, we allocate the burial ground or plot type based on availability and the proximity to the members address.

No, legally we can not sell the plots to individuals. You would need to purchase the plot directly from the cemetery if you want to hold one for yourself.

Your membership will cease once you die. We would suggest your children or spouse register on their own after your death.

Yes, you can switch the type of membership. Please note, your beneficiaries' details will be removed from the account if you switch from Family to Single membership.

Please contact the team if you want to cancel your membership. Please note, there is no refund policy.

Yes, please let us know if you make additional payments as a donation to the scheme so that we can receipt them accordingly.


No, we provide only Muslim burial services .

Currently we don't have an option for direct debit. You can set up an annual recurring payment from your bank. Please contact us if you need assistance.

No, married children should subscribe separately.

No, your beneficiaries must be living at the same address as you.

Help us today,
The believer's shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity

Contact Us

P.O Box 1217
St Albans Vic 3021

Copyright © 2023 Sri Lankan Janaza Scheme (North & West).
ABN: 58 582895493