

Jazahallahu Khair for considering your donation

Your donation can be made in one of the following ways:
  1. Direct bank transfer
  2. You can transfer the money into the following ANZ bank account

    Account NameSri Lankan Janaza Scheme (North & West)
    Account Number453140575
    ReferencePlease use your mobile number/name or the membership number.

    Send your payment slip to treasurer@sljs.org.au or SMS/WhatsApp to +61 433 877 399.

  3. PayPal & Credit Card
  4. Use the below button to donate

  5. * Secured Banking powered by PayPal. Default payment option is by PayPal.
  6. * For credit card payment select Donate with a card.
  7. * For Credit Card payment a fee of 1.1% + $0.30 will be added to "set amount" donations to cover the transaction cost funded by a credit/debit card within Australia.

Help us today,
The believer's shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity

Contact Us

P.O Box 1217
St Albans Vic 3021

Copyright © 2023 Sri Lankan Janaza Scheme (North & West).
ABN: 58 582895493